Friday, October 4, 2019


How can it be Fall?!! Time is zipping by so fast!

Last weekend Maestra Shiloh invited our Red Thread community to pull out a WIP out two, and Git-er done! I made good progress with CODEX (a 13 moon journey - I am about half-way through! ... We began last year - fortunately there's no "behind" - right? ... But I need to Git-er done if I want the certificate!) 
CODEX - WIP (Work in Process)

This weekend, Jassy Watson and Gisela are up from Australia, and will be offering Treewoman and Soulscape at the Musea studio in Sonoma. When I began my Intentional Creativity journey in 14, I painted mama Gaia in an online offering with Jassy, and love her easy supportive style! 
Mama Gaia - 2014
I painted similar dancing tree women when I was living in the words in the early 90s, and am looking forward to this offering. I'll be offering online support with my IC Guild SiStars Mary Ann, Rosie Mac and Jo Laurie. it is always a joy to witness and support our sisters in their proceeds of self discovery through painting and journaling. We'll continue work support over the next couple of weeks. You'll find information on and registration for the class here.

I'll be preparing a birch panel - seems appropriate for #Treesister!! 

Happy PPF