Wednesday, February 2, 2022

February Reset

 This is the third year some of my artist friends are offering a month of inspiration for "Reseting Our Spaces as Living Altars" and creating cozy corners, and I'm joining in. Each has her own focus - Angie on clearing clutter, Katy on setting sacred space, and Iréne on sharing tips from Feng Shui, and all three engage creativity. 

As I've written before, I go back and forth with more and less order, and like many of us, these last couple of years with fewer visitors has not helped! It's quite time for a reset! 

Breema and morning practice

I participated in Breema week in January, and have continued with the online self- Breema classes most mornings. For my first cozy nook, I rearranged some things, pulled out the clothes for give- away, and made room for my felted Breema rug in my little upstairs.

Some inquiries as I embark

  • Why do I want to dethug and reset?
  • What an I creating space for? 
  • What blocks my process/progress? 
  • Who - what matters most to me about my space?
  • Who (what items) am I 'renting space' to - do I like the 'tenants?'
  • When - what time will I designate, and how much?
  • How - what strategies will I employ, and
  • Where will I begin?
I already began with the Breema nook, starting small with an easy win always works well for me! I set a timer for 20-30 minutes, and then take a break or reset it - short focuser sessions help prevent overwhealm. 

My goal is a clearer space with more cozy, inviting nooks, and curating items that resonate with my current interests and life. 
As a Virgo, I can get finicky about fine tune cleaning, and ignore the big picture, so I'm saying saying Ø to perfectionism, and 'yes' to progress! 
Assistant testing a cozy space
My LMT friend Kira is also a professional organizer, and I've been enjoying her new podcast, What's Up With Your Stuff? 

For general tidying, she suggests to ponder your own baseline - what matters to you (and your partner/ housemates) Work from that to develops and fine tune your daily routine. 
I make my bed when I get up, wash the dishes and wipe down counters after breakfast, and aim for at least one 20/10 a day (20 minute tidy/ clear, 10 minute break)
We start where we start, and each bring our personal stories as well as stuff to our Spaces - do you know yours? 

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