Friday, August 14, 2020

Red Thread Circle Time

We began offering Virtual Circles as a pivot from the in person gatherings early in the summer, and one of those early circles was Thinking Cap

What comes to mind when you hear the words Thinking Cap

Some of us had done the process during a Guild members call, and we chose it for our August virtual Red Thread Circle offering.

We did this one during a Guild members call last year, and this week for our virtual Red Thread Circle

  • What image comes with the phrase "put on my thinking cap?"
  • How do you access information and your intuition - do you have different access channels?
  • Are there different caps for different purposes?
  • What feels unique? What similar to others?

I love our smaller circles - 15 women joined - from nearby Albany Oregon, to as far away as Florence, Italy! It is always a treat to see how our muses interact, and we inspire each other. We began with a couple of readings from my co-host Linda Allen and then a bit of Metacognative drawing - put pen or market on the paper, and  do a free form doodle, while thinking of the phrase, "___ my thinking cap" (activating, accessing, what's ...) we drew for about a minute, then wrote about what we accessed. 

We went on to sketch/ paint an image of our Thinking Cap for 5-10 minutes - and what a delightful variety of images emerged, and then shared during our Red Thread Circle. Cindy recalled doodling light bulbs in her college notebooks when she had "ah-ha!"' moments!

One lady showed up at the base of a tree, with messages in the roots and leaves - which led to a wonderful discussion of how tree communities support each other, sharing nutrients and connection via the mycorrhizal fungi... 

It is such a joy to share time and creative process with this community, 4 of the gals are in this year's Color of Woman teacher training - 

CoW intern Carol Fairbanks led one of our circles last month -Creating Home with Your Heart as one of her IC events - and last weekend Christy Cozby led her own version - I did the first in my Juju Journal

And the one with Christy on canvas - the prompts led to recalling the cute 50s home my dad painted pink, with dark red trim and a white roof (to reflect the Central Oregon sun) ... And the Blue Door of my piano teacher's little back room Bible Bookstore. 

Carol is offering her second IC session this Sunday  in a longer session- Tea Time With the Muse - you're invited to join us! 

Happy Paint Party Friday! - enjoy the artsy blog roll! 


Gillena Cox said...

Lovely red accents. Happy PPF


Valerie-Jael said...

This is beautiful! Happy PPF, Valerie

Clare Lloyd said...

Fab art.

Carol Fairbanks said...

Wonderful blog! Very attractive and informative! A real invitation to creativity!

Carol Fairbanks said...

Wonderful blog! Very attractive and informative! A real invitation to creativity!

LA Paylor said...

what wonderful work. I love the color, shading and meaning behind each one

DVArtist said...

Ver nice art and a great theme to work with.

sirkkis said...

Expressive art.

Words and Pictures said...

I've never really thought about what a thinking cap would look like - how funny. I know what it feels like when it's on! Love these interpretations. Happy PPF!
Alison x

Elkes Lebensglück said...

Wonderful art, each one is so beautiful, I love all of the works!
Happy PPF, Elke

Rain said...

Hi Nadya :) What a fun group and such a lovely idea. Those homes paintings are my favourite, so cozy! I love the idea of answering a question as a prompt!

Nadya said...

Thank you, all!
Isn't it fun to consider what your thinking cap looks like? It's fun to see how that changes, each time we imagine it
So true, Rain - I enjoy setting what comes when I ask questions! ... For more art journaling prompts and ideas, check the Juju Journal page!

Nadya said...

Juju Journal Jam: