Lo'oet, Owl Woman
Owl Woman - Fire Keeper
Wind at my back, fanning the coals, sun rises in the East
Fire keeper Am I, Keeper of the Sacred Flame
From Lo'oet, Fire Keeper
Long have I known you
loved you
guided you
Little one, little SiStar, Talis Tenas
Beloved little one
I sit on the bridge, tending the Sacred Fire
for the people
for the old and the young
the sound of heart & spirit,
for the weak and lonely ones
for the free, for those ensnared
Medial Woman Am I
On the Bridge between the Worlds
Tending the Sacred Flame
Carrying the stories, bringing change & renewal
And the Chalice of Pure Water
During this time of fires, of drought
This time of Smoke and danger
I remind you to guard your flame carefully
I hold the fire, yet my colours
Are watery blues and purples
The Chalice brings life, brings renewal,
Come, share the water of life!
Owl Woman, Woman between the worlds
Wisdom woman, Keeper of the Sacred flame
One with Clear vision, who calls sacred the homeland
Who are you?
What would you?
When will you?
Who do you Ally with?
What calls your Heart & Soul?
How will you live from your vision?
Way shower, holder of blessings
Who are you, in the great world?
What do you bring
In your Medicine Basket?
Medial woman, Owl woman
holding place in the Middle
Holding Soul Fire stories,
Which warm the heart & enflame the spirit!
Watching over the land & the people.
Fire Keeper am I, story keeper, wisdom keeper
Keeper of the Sacred Flame
Ever renewing, ever renewed
Come! Drink from the sacred well!
Come! Come home to your soul!
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Tenas Talis, Little Beloved one!
We bring you Wings & the gifts of the old Knowing! We light the fires of the hearts and souls, as you fill the cups, & share the abundance that comes to you naturally and sweetly! You draw from the well of old stories, weaving the NEW renewed and renewing You reweave the dreams, shining light on the strands, untangling, smoothing, awakening understanding. Quantum blessings await all who come to the bridge between the ways and worlds.
You are so blessed, share the blessings! As you dance into who you came to be, the people come to the bridge - they come, they come! Are you ready? Fan the flames, pour the cup, tend the hearth, set the table, Welcome those who come to be renewed & ever renewing! All is well, all manner of being is well.
Aho - it is good!
** In the late 70s, I followed a meditation to 'meet your internal healer,' & Lo'oet came forward. Lo'oet is the old name for Mt St Helens, & in the NW tradition, she was the only one along the Columbia River who still had fire ... so Great Spirit (or coyote!) commissioned her to sit on the Bridge of the Gods, (then a land bridge) sharing her fire with those from both sides of the river. The children sent to receive fire from her mock her, so she asks Great Spirit to renew her youth and beauty, which Great Spirit agrees to, reluctantly! and then ....
In the late 80s, I retold her story, weaving in an Owl companion, & shared it in my Creative Writing class. A few years later, I wrote a song for my new harp, 'Fire Keeper's Lay,' which begins with the line "Wind at my back, fanning the coals, sun rises in the East" ... In a workshop on healing I took around that time, Rosalyn Bruyere commented that people ally around the goddess of the land, Isis in Egypt, in the NW, it was Owl Woman.
My grandmother's middle name was Vestella, 'little fire/hearth goddess' ... in both the NW and Greek stories, Lo'oet & Vesta have trouble choosing between two loves ... Apollo (sun/fire) & Poisiden (water!) .... here we have the chalice & the sacred flame ...
Owl Woman, Fire Keeper is the third painting for my Color of Woman teacher training, within the theme Soul Fire or Alchemist. Within the crucible, base metal becomes fine gold.
During 'Adornment, I used interference paint (just a dot!!), some mixed with Quinacridone Magenta or with Pthalo Turquoise. You'll notice these places where highlights reflect different colour!
What lights your soul fire, and keeps it burning?
linking to Paint Party Friday (one of my delights!!)