This year, sixty women from around the world have embarked on their Red Thread Quests, the Color of Woman teacher training. Over the next six months, they will discover more about themselves and their creativity, and how to encourage others to use creativity for both self expression and healing. As a Reader and trek guide, I am privileged to their stories, discoveries, and beautiful creative projects as they come in. And I love it!
I joined my friend Sepha, who's on this year's Quest, to paint Musés with the Livestream the first weekend in April. It was a fabulous spring day, so we were able to paint outside! With the completed paintings due at the end of this month, the finished ladies are beginning to appear in the online classroom. The second p
art of the assignment is to hand the Musé the pen, and receive a message.
Last year, my Musé Gypsy Rose said, "Sweet Nadya, We bring wisdom voices from the stars and ancient pathways. You are so loved, so appreciated, so honored! We invite you to atune to your senses and enliven your Spirit.
Sparkle and shine, share the joy you know deep inside. In attending to your own joy and in doing the little things, a-tend-ing, that you will bring them (your beloveds) home to themselves."
Sepha with her Musé |
There are several forums for connecting with the Color of Woman offerings, both online and in person. Some are group sites, others, my SiStar's personal blogs and websites. This week I decided it was time to update my blog links to reflect current interests (and active blogs!) Check them out in the sidebar!
You'll find links to sites and classes when you click on "contact ___" as you view a teacher's profile on our Intentional Creativity website. Click on the map to find teachers closest to you. Here's the link to my profile!
Painting Musé with the online group |
The Red Thread Nation site has a calendar with class offerings from many of us, click on the links to discover more information and register! Shiloh's blog has juicy food for thought, and links to her offerings.
Facebook presences include Shiloh Sophia's Artist page, the Red Thread Cafe Classroom, Sepha's and my artist pages. Many of my SiStars have artist pages as well.
Our beloveds can find some of our offerings through out MeetUp groups. Here are links to Heidi's, our NW group page, Cynthia in Australia, and mine.
Amber, Denise and Jassy offer online teachings thought the year, and often, introductory glimpses into one. Several of my classmates will launch online courses this fall, so stay tuned!
Today would be our Art matriarch Sue Hoya Sellars' 80th BïRtHDäÝ! She departed her Earth body in 2014, to dance among the stars. She is loved, she is missed! These teachings were part of her dream... Blessings, beloved!
"Whether I am doing studies of deer in my meadow or painting an angel moving between dimensions,there is always a glimmer of the cosmos showing through their bodies and parts of the landscape. My work has one primary concept: exploring the formation of our bodies from the cooling of gaseous material originating from the beginning of the universe."