Sunday, June 14, 2015

Gypsy Rose Muse - She Listens Sweet & Deep

A message in a bottle, from Gypsy Rose, Muse of Mystery & delight; She Listens Sweet & Deep

Sweet Nadya!
We bring wisdom voices from the stars & ancient pathways
You are So Loved, so appreciated, so honored! We invite you to attune to your senses & enliven your Spirit! Sparkle & Shine, share the joy you know deep inside!

It is indeed in listening that you are brought forth/ healed/ come to life! Your listening brings forth information/ awareness for yourself & for others.
In attending to your own joy & in doing the little things, a-tend-ing, that you will bring them (your Beloveds) home to themselves!

Ah, dear one! Enjoy the flavors & rainbow life has to offer! The beautiful painting, the hot chocolate! The fresh scone (gluten free, of course!) The symphony of bird song or orchestra, rumble of ocean or flute on the wind, the breath of fingers on the harpstrings, drumbeat by candlelight ... bagpipes at dawn.
The scent of the desert, refreshed with rain, sweet tea, the breath of a rose ...

And awaken even more to the inner senses, knowing who is calling, on a device, or through the ethers ... the tribal sense of what is needed, which herb heals, which flower will aide transformation! The network is operating/ open ... it's a river - dive in! Dive deep! Wade across ... find a bridge, sail away ....

Cross my palm with Silver! I do love the jewels & jangles, beads & bangles! The flow of a-bun-dance as we get our own buns a dancing!!
Dance, dance, wherever you may be!! I am the heart of the dance, said she!

We say, "you have it all! All you need to share, to inspire, both yourself and others! New tools will come in their own time, of COURSE they will!! The all is beyond space/ time/ current awareness! Timely-time to share the blessings of this Soul Play with your beloveds!

Go forth in grace, in beauty! Shining your light of kindness & inner knowing! Your path beckons, the way is clear for your dancing feet!

O Sada
It is Good

signed in sparkles & glitter

 * Rose *
She Listens Sweet & Deep - Gypsy Rose Muse
Some of the first words from Gypsy Rose, in early May:
(who are you?) "Gypsy Rose - let me read your tea leaves! Spin you a story, play the tambourine, dance, dream vision listen to the whispers of the Universe, I am here - waiting!"

Gypsy Rose is my Muse of accessing creative inspiration, & is the first painting on my Color of Woman/ Intentional Creativity Teacher training/quest. "
"Inside of every single one of us is this mechanism that many have worked with over the centuries, most commonly called the ego, the voice, the inner guidance system, conscience or of late – the inner critic.
.... Inside of us, connected to our senses, the Muse is the navigator, the view finder – what we use to ‘get around’ this interior world. What we use to look at and through. There are many ways to look within to see what is there within us." Shiloh Sophia

If we get in touch with our creativity, with what we may have been suppressing, we can begin to transform the voice of the critic (less than, I can't, don't get hurt!) into the voice of the muse .... & when all else fails, send the critic out for a pedicure and give her some chocolate!!
Shiloh writes: "We are walking a sacred path that is a quest. Your quest in which you are seeking your own content and information. A quest with women beside you: seeking, longing, looking, being challenged. Awakening. Working with the archetypal energies of the Legendary Self. And now moving forward to the Muse."  

My quest is to explore this painting with intention in more depth, to explore my own beliefs & rewrite the stories as I move into sharing intentional creativity with my beloveds. I wish to be a pure channel for sharing, for holding space, for holding my piece of the Red Thread. 

And I pass the thread to ____ my beloveds!

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