On the lovely Equinox weekend just past, Portland artist Flora Bowley invited folks near and far to a virtual paint party/open studio, and I was able to play along. After a kind of busy summer, it was delightful to get my brushes wet!
First lay
Flora has teamed with my art teacher Shiloh Sophia, and brought her unique abstract vision to our canvases before, .... This is the first time I've joined one of her classes. I chose a smaller 18 x 18" canvas, and have been following the lead of another artist SiStar, Gisela, using this as the foundation of a daily 10-15 minute painting practice. I'm enjoying seeing colors and shapes emerge, and discovering "what's next." Yesterday I glazed and added some crackle plate to a couple of areas for texture. This week, Maestra Shiloh is painting with many from our community in Italy, and Flora is on wildland retreat under the Central Oregon stars. What wonderful ways to recharge and dream into what's next.
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I'm watching the light change, enjoying the full moon, and dipping my paintbrush in some wonderful colors. I glazed yesterday, and added crackle paste in a couple of areas ... Happy Paint Party Friday!
As summer winds down, I enjoy the slant of the sun, and hint of fall in the morning air.
Visionary Medicine Wheel
It's my both month, and I've enjoyed several adventurers: seeing Cindi Lauper and Sir Rod Stewart in concert - oh, that was fun!! A back to school BBQ with my daughter and Grands, and a beach trip with friends. I've been enjoying the INSIGHT series with Maestra Shiloh Sophia, as we begin to
gather students for the 2019 Color of Woman training. This is an exciting time, as women respond to the call of their Muse, to go deeper and explore aspects of creativity and leadership. I am staring a new phase myself, as in enrolled in Jenafer Owen's program Giddy-Up training for online offerings - hold onto your hat!!
And I've been exploring Instagram, a whole new platform!! It's been fun playing with my pictures for posts, mashing little montages (which don't always behave!) And meeting new virtual friends! I love the journal pages @quantummemoir does, and ... I'm @nadyakingartist ❤ We are each on a journey, and sometimes we "play small" or downplay our accomplishments, under the impression that is somehow better - were you ended told you were "to much," "too loud" "shouldn't brag" ... Most of us were at some point! Here's the thing, living small doesn't serve anyone! And we can be proof of what we're accomplished without denigrating anyone else, in fact, they may be inspired! If you journal, I invite you to take the time and record some of the things you accomplished this summer (or winter for our Southern mates) - a list, some sketches, however you choose! And then record some goals. A little vision flower is a fun way to connect with your values and goals.
Recent achievements I'm pleased with
I'm HåPpÎeSt when I take time to _________
This fall/ spring I'd like to _______________
My secret goal is _________
Some of my values are __________ (family time, being true to my word, harmonious relationships)