Friday, September 25, 2020

Harvest Queen and Princess Silver Hands

Last weekend felt like a Retreat, as two of my friends who are in this year's Color of Woman teacher training offered their required 13 step class - virtually! Carol Fairbanks has been a frequent student in my workshops and circles since 2016. I first met Christy Cozby in Sepha's certification class around the same time. 

Carol chose as her theme Harvest Queen, drawng from the HQ class I taught last fall. She scheduled her class over two sessions, so we'll meet again tomorrow. 

Heidi, Leah and Carol, fall 2019


  • What wisdom can I harvest from this year?
  • What mature fruits are ready for harvest?
  • What is ready to be Clipped?
  • How can I make space for the next cycle?
I pulled the card Old man of Stories - Legba - is the story one of healing? What will being balance and harmony? (Rainbow Earth Tarot)
Underpainting - 3 words and 3 colours - centered, (Quinacridone violet and Dioxazine purple) renewal (Green Gold and Yellow Oxide) and gratitude (primary magenta)

Symbols: Apple, (fruitful harvest) spirals of life, wreath - crown, balance and wholeness

This week I revisited her face and expression, bringing in a looked Fae presence - and need to do loved listening/ journaling! We will gather again this Saturday, and delve deeper! 


Christy's class on Sunday was based on the tale of Princess Silver Hands, or the Handless Maiden - which she told beautifully! (Several of us weren't familiar with this tale)

  • what gifts do your hands bestow?
  • They are the "tools of tools," enabling you to feel and do.
  • What do they hold, feel, grasp, fashion, give and receive? 
  • What phases go with hands/restrictions? Sitting on my hands, hands are tied, waiting for a band out ... 
  • How do we internalize the patriarchy, make a margin without all the information?
Our creativity grandmother, Lenore Thomas Strauss asked, "what ancient knowing lives within these hands?"

All the great stories are variations on the same story of challenge, journey into the underworld (forest) benefactors (a pear tree that offers its fruit, King, kind mother in law) initiating and renewal.
Sketch on the background
I appreciated the places in the story where in spite of challenges, she is cared for, loved and nurtured. 
There's a pear tree in the background, and a cord nesting in her hair (I used reverse stencils on both paintings, the technique we learned in treesisters. One of the themes in the story is a renewal of wedding views with the King after a seperation and misunderstanding, and a big celebration of nine days and nine nights. Our Color of Woman SiStar Anna Corsini, from Florence, Italy, committed to continuing working with her lady overr this time! 

Fun to see the shadows of the birch tree on my lady ... She's continuing to inform me as well. I look forward to what each of these paintings and process have to bring.

Friday, September 18, 2020

Reiki and the Red Thread

 While studying to become an Intentional Creativity teacher and coach in 2015, one of our assignments was to offer several Red Thread Circles and events. I included a simple circle as part of a 1st Degree Reiki class, and covered journals in 2nd Degree - the students loved it.

My teacher Maestra Shiloh Sophia invited me to consider the connections between Reiki and the IC teachings, "I know there are connections, explore what they are."

A Chinese legend tells that we are connected before birth with those whom we're destined to meet by an invisible Red Thread. Through out our lives, the thread may twist, stretch and tangle, but will never break.

We each hold, and are responsible for a unique piece of this thread.

With Reiki, we often feel the resonance of connection when we meet other  Reiki practitioners, or first connect with our Master. The teachings and practices of Intentional Creativity® and Reiki support each other in a beautiful way. Over the last five years, I've formulated a Red Thread Reiki curriculum designed to support practitioners on their journey.

Some of the Red Thread Reiki teachings are  included in my classes, others may be taken separately. Most are suitable for anyone, whether they've studied Reiki or not. 

These Circles include a check in, Meditation with self Reiki, and a simple creative project - no artistic ability necessary - really! Creativity is an innate gift inherent in being human, and becoming aware of ourselves as creative beings helps us stay present.

These pieces we create are imbued with Reiki energy, and can be used personally or gifted to others. Most circles are open to both Reiki Practitioners and those interested in healing.

  • Reiki Principle Prayer flags 
  • Soul Compass cards - rewrite old stories
  • Blessing Box - for your Reiki Prayer requests
  • Medicine Basket - what are your special tools and gifts?
  • Personal symbol - use Metacognative drawing to unlock your unique healing symbol
  • Reiki Journal - cover, process pages
  • Finger labyrinth
  • Symbol practice * Reiki 2 and 3 practitioners
Intentional Painting Classes especially suited for Reiki Practitioners:

  • Medicine Painting - turn tragedies into remedies 
  • Reiki Guide (watercolor paper or canvas) 
  • Soul Spark 
  • Healing Temple
Have questions? You'd like to work with me in person or virtually, you find information about these sessions and my Reiki classes on my website.
You're invited to contact me - I look forward to our journey together on the Reiki path!

Friday, September 4, 2020

Grist for the mill

Today our Intentional Creativity® community had a call with Shiloh, EXPLORE, she shared the  graphic wheel, and at the end, gave us a DARE to rearrange something in our homes to create more room for creativity/ art making! 

The graphic is a good reminder for how we interact, share, and tend ourselves and our community. 

Process - both graphic and personal, isn't always neat and tidy! We often say, "When tears (or snot) flow, add them to the canvas!"

A story Shiloh often tells: when her mom was suffering from medication that made her feel crazy, Sue reminded Caron that she worked hard for the experiences, and it was all grist for her creativity! Not to discard any of it, but to let it inform her creativity (often poetry). 

This is a good reminder for all of us - when things come up for you, and they will! - acknowledge them! 
  • Invite witness - and witness yourself! 
  • Self care isn't selfish!
  • Take it to the canvas or journal, use image and writing to distill an antidote for the poison - the creative process is a wonderful alchemical tool! 
  • We often mark an unavoidable tragedy line on the canvas to acknowledge something that happened, that we didn't have control over, or say in - and it becomes part of the layers. 
  • And pay attention when insights come - record them in your journal, create a Compass Card
  • Sit with it, go on a walk, change scenes and come back later
Some of us are embarking on the Soulbird (painting) journey, or Motherboard Coach training, others are finishing Color of Woman or the Read Thread Guide ... Many are just beginning to paint and create with the community, others are frequent fliers! 

There's now a universal calendar of classes and calls on the Musea website, which will make offerings easier to track! I appreciate the calendar page in my MeetUp groups, especially now with our bimonthly virtual offerings. (Our next session is a virtual Soul Spa, next Thursday, September 10!) 

It's easy to see the shiny objects of a new class or training - deep breath - you don't have to do it all!! 

You are enough! 
There's a place for each of us in the circle, and we daddy hold our piece of the thread!