What times we are living in! And even with lots of time, I've found my creative juices don't always flow. I'm tending several online class in our community, including this year's teachers training, and enjoy our new private App , iMUSEA, for delivery.
My Australian friend and color of Woman teacher Tania McGinnis decided to offer prompts in her Heart Speak group on Facebook - a journey to paint Sedna, the Inuit sea goddess. We're beginning with a stone cairn (I'm using a canvas I began for another painting)
Stone Cairn |
In the stories about Sedna, she has a hard time choosing a husband from those who court her, and finally decides to marry a handsome stranger... He takes her to his island home, and reveals that he is Raven!
Her father comes for a visit, and decides to take her back to their home ...
But a storm comes up, perhaps Raven's friends in protest ... And Sedna falls overboard ...
In his fright, her father won't let her back in In the boat, and stikes her hands with his oar ... Her fingers become seals, whales, walruses, and all the creators of the sea, and Sedna herself the sea goddess, providing bounty.
In 2003, a planet with an egg shaped orbit of 11,500 years (!) was discovered and named after Sedna. (# 90377) Astrologer Heather Ensworth offers this version of Sedna's story, how the planetary orbit impacts earth's story, and her role as a guide through this Transition.
And here is a rare interview with visionary and astrologer Barbara Hand Clow on these times we're experiencing - she mentions Sedna toward the end of the session. I've enjoyed Barbara's books on astrology and our transition times for 30+ years, and was excited to find this.
Apothecary in process |
Over the last month, I've been participating in some wonderful online classes and circles, plus spending time with my daughter and her family. I grateful for the connections, and inspiration.
My friend Sherry Rueger Banaka and I will offer an online Red Thread session on April 27th on Resilience and Healing. We will include a simple creative practice, and an EFT tapping sequence. I've needed to cancel my in person monthly circle, so it will be nice to get together via Zoom! (Let me know if you'd like to join us!)