Years ago, I overheard a college professor chastise several women students he felt were spending "too much time" on things other than their art. One was a single mom, who did amazing Susan Seddon-Boulet style shamanic work, another joined her sister who was in theater; both performing and producing a play her senior year, AND carrying off a brilliant Senior art show! But they weren't "one point focused" on their art, so would "never get anywhere" ...
I recently discovered this lovely little clip from the BBC, featuring Merritt Moore, a professional ballerina and student of quantum physics. She talks about trying to give up ballet, but finding it feeds her, and enhances her work with physics.
This ability to draw from many experiences and synthesize them as we create art is holistic and enriching. It is wonderful to have time and space to focus in, it's also lovely to have multiple experiences which feed your spirit! Happy Paint Party Friday!
Several of my artist friends are claiming studio space, either in nearby business spaces, or in their homes. Recently one wrote about moving her studio into one of their largest rooms, with her husband's blessing. She realized she had "permission" all along, but didn't feel "worthy" of that large room. She invited us to notice where we play small, and if it's time to shift! This is a timely inquiry! For the past three years, I've had
Dining nook Atelier
my Atelier in my little dining nook, a space about 5 x 6', which opens into my kitchen. My daughter asked a few days ago if I'd thought of moving my seating area into that nook, and "claiming" my living room for my art! It's an area ~ 11.5 x 20' and I'd thought of using the back section (10 x 10') but not of moving my seating into the nook!
Front living room
I go in cycles of more organized and clutter-full, and am currently in a cluttered need-to-dethug and organize phase! Sigh. And my daughter asked her good-at-cleaning and organizing husband, "which should and do first? Move stuff around, or declutter?" ... (you guessed it! ... sigh) I found this kool video on creativity and clutter from the "Clutter Fairy," nice to watch while I'm sorting through some piles! And she offers some great tips on going through craft stuff, to make it easier to get creative! As a Virgo, I have a tendency to want perfection, and can get overwhelmed when it's gotten chaotic. (CHAOS: Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome). I love the energy of rearranging, and cleaning around that! So, .... on with it! Last night at our Red Thread Circle, our inquiry was
around the messages of Cancer, what are our crab claws ready to release, what are they opening to receive? I played flute while Sepha led a meditation, and then we moved to out art materials. I drew a crab on the white board, and told the kid's story about a hermit crab decorating its shell, then outgrowing it, and needing to move on. One gal, who's changing jobs, used that imagery. A couple of others painted hands, closed fist and open to receive. I had a tangle of seaweed that my crab was moving out of. This morning, I'm sketching the spaces to rearrange, and thinking of better organized storage. I cleaned out the under-stair closet on 4th of July, and plan some shelves and bins for seasonal things stored there. I had a field trip to Ikea last weekend, and got a Råskog cart for in use materials, and some lights (and lots of ideas!) Happy Paint Party Friday! What are you ready to release? What are you opening to receive?