What will best serve us, as we journey through this year? If you work with a journal, this is something you may wish to explore a bit more.
- What challenges have I overcome to get here?
- What are some of my accomplishments over the last year?
- I'm happiest when _____________
- If I could do a couple of BIG things this year __________________
- My values include _______________ (often related to health, spending time with loved one, how you interact with your community ...)
- If I could be remembered for one thing, it would be ____________
I've taught a class, updated my website, had a couple of artist 'play dates,' journaled, (I'm thinking of following some of the prompts from Journal 52, as it's a free offering, that dovetails with the work I'm already engaged in.) I've spent time with my kids and grandkids, & even played a bit in the garden, in this Warm January weather.
Through Quantum physics, we realize that simply the act of observation changes what is being observed. What if we change our self perception? What are some of the ways you are 'enough?'
Happy PPF!