Friday, December 4, 2015

Graduation and Workshop

It's hard to believe that we graduated from the Color of Woman Teacher Training a month ago!! Wow! Wonderful, wonderful time with two dozen students, plus Shiloh & Mary, the other teachers & several alumni.(Close to 45  students from around the world completed the training, so many of our sisters watched the Livestreams of the classes and Graduation.
Altar for Graduation
We wrote our own Graduation Ceremony, and were well supported as we took this next step on our journey to be Color of Women teachers & coaches. 

We still have several assignments to compete to receive our certification, including assembling our Initiate book (all our writing assignments, in pdf format), planning next year's calendar, completing the 'demo' painting from our two day workshop .... 

Stella Mac & Maestra Shiloh Sophia
 I offered my first two day workshop a couple of weeks ago, & had two students. One I'd just met at the Work Week Wine-Down at Walnut City Wineworks, where I have all the paintings from my Color of Woman journey; the other I've known for several years. 

Our theme was 'Medicine Woman,' & I sent out writing prompts the week before the workshop. Two beloveds came, & did an awesome job listening to their ladies' medicine, painting & journaling. My friend Sepha, who is very engaged in the work with Intentional Creativity, helped me set up the space at our Heritage center classroom. It was a great day. 
Linda & Stacy with their ladies

I am at work on finishing my Medicine Woman painting, & the other assignments due soon. I also have another show of my ladies hanging at Walnut City WineWorks, & participated in their events Friday & Saturday following Thanksgiving. The wild-salmon bake (Saturday) is an awesome event, and was well attended.  

I am a Color of Woman Teacher!

Happy Paint Party Friday!