Songs of Light
We are the Bright ones
Sprung from Stardust
wind in our wings and a song in our hearts!
We are the Light bringers, the ones who ignite soul fire
Soaring into the golden web
Encircling Mama Gaia
Do you hear us singing at dawn?
Do you feel us, tugging at your heart cords?
It is time, and more than time
To Sing our Songs of Light,
To add our voices, full throttle,
to the great choir of life!
To break the silence
To sing
To dance
to love, accept, allow, envision
To call the tribe spread to the directions
It is time! Wake up!
It is time
Oh Sada, it is good!
I am a Way shower & visionary guide
My internal compass is strong & points true
I sing my Songs of Light,
Inviting you to awaken & share your gifts!
Songs of Light
I have long been someone who loved the stories, & helping others shift their affirmations, What's possible? How can the old stories & affirmations shift into the new,
I love the image of the hummingbird
whispering to the flowers, admiring each for its unique beauty & thanking them for sharing
their gifts. With its ability to hover, it can slow down or speed ahead, as appropriate for the time. Northwest Natives called Hummingbird Sen Sen.
The song of the heart calls the circle, and sparks the radiance present in each ... Singing songs of Light, the chorus joins in, each with its own sacred, beautiful notes.
This is the Second painting for my Color of Woman Intentional Creativity® Teacher Training, a time to claim ourselves as Artists, & move closer to sharing the method with others.
"This is the time and space in Color of Woman
to go further in your own healing journey and practice, to prepare
yourself to teach in a very empowered and conscious way. ... Be mindful yourself
not to try to save anyone else - let them have their process without
needing to fix. Just witness. Which is what you will be doing as
teachers - witnessing, not fixing."
& from Shiloh Sophia:
"Artist is one of the most sacred of names. It is a name which puts in context all the pieces that before seemed fragmented. It is a space and place of no apology - an archetype which assumes personal authority and whom is willing to look at all her stuff - her jewels and her BS. Artist."
How does YOUR sense of being an artist live in you? What is your 'Touchstone' for this role?
Talis - Chinook jargon: Darling, beloved
Talisman - an object, typically an inscribed ring or stone, that is thought to have magic powers and to bring good luck.
Happy Paint Party Friday - thank you for visiting!!
"Artist is one of the most sacred of names. It is a name which puts in context all the pieces that before seemed fragmented. It is a space and place of no apology - an archetype which assumes personal authority and whom is willing to look at all her stuff - her jewels and her BS. Artist."
How does YOUR sense of being an artist live in you? What is your 'Touchstone' for this role?
Talis - Chinook jargon: Darling, beloved
Talisman - an object, typically an inscribed ring or stone, that is thought to have magic powers and to bring good luck.
Happy Paint Party Friday - thank you for visiting!!