Soul Collage playdate! 6 of us met at a home with a lovely large dining room table for our adventure. Heidi and Anita had taken a S C workshop last summer, just after Heidi's mom Susan made Transition, & I'd taken one a year or two ago at a shop in town (besides making many cards on my own.)
We began with a brief overview of the process, and put images we'd brought to share on the large table. We took awhile, each assembling our own little pile, & going through some of the magazines for others. The three little girls (7-8 yrs old) chose some as well, then dashed outside to play in the fading light!
Heidi, Anita & I laid out the cards we'd made, face down, & mixed together, & each of us chose 3 cards for a mini 'reading,' in two groups of 3. We took turns drawing one card, & sharing our observations/ & how it 'fit' for us. One would 'scribe,' which we also took in turns.
Then we took a little time, looking at the other cards, before pulling out our boards, glue sticks, scissors & images, to begin the process of creating new cards. I had stopped by a frame shop earlier in the day, & bought more card stock (matt board 8" x 10" center pieces, cut in half to make 5"x 8" cards).
All of us were attracted to pumpkins, sunflowers & fall colours. My first card (of 4 made that evening) is Bees - I just noticed the Queen Bee in the center of the honeycomb! (Love how these card images keep unfolding!)
Sunday evening I dreamed of organization, & Monday morning wrote my 'I Am the One Who' definition:
I Am the One Who is organized and diligent
- who makes beauty from Nectar
I Am the Goddess in form
I tender initiations
I Am the One Who holds the key to your fairy cottage
I love symetry & form
My home smells of the Nectar of the Goddess
I Am She who feels her way home
(& this morning added:
I Am part of a Community of bees
I Am dependant on my Sisters & dependable
We blaze trails for each other & leave signs along the way
"This is how it is done! Come THIS way!"
No separation - yes, we CAN!
We are a Nation of Women with Wings
Sunflower: I am perfect order, I radiate power, serenity, beauty in form & symetry.
Molly Sheehan, of Green Hope Farm Essences writes "I AM God, a Chalice of wisdom, power & love in perfect & balanced action." - & "Lets say you awoke one morning to find you had been cast in the role of a hero of a real life drama in which you must save the planet. This would be the essence to put in your super hero kit. Sunflower knows that each of us is a manifestation of divinity in human form. It helps us be a chalice of light with our personalities the servant of our divinity, our male energy in balance with our female energy & all systems go for being divinity in balanced action."
About bees (her Honeybees in the White Hawthorn essence) she writes: "An Ecuadorian Shaman once told me the energy & noise of honeybees is so healing that he sleeps with a beehive under his bed and his pillow right over the hive (!) ....Honeybees actually correct energy imbalances, and regulate energy flow on the land they work. They are the harmonizers of nature. Their vibration (in this essence) helps soothe energy disturbances, release disharmonious energies, and correct problems in energy flow in our energy systems."
Since my ? for the evening was my 'next steps in teaching energy (primarily Qigong & Reiki) this card fits the bill!!!