Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Year Visioning

I'm invited to a party this PM, sharing time & goodies with friends who will play games. At times I enjoy games, but those times are rare, & dependant on the company & the game!
Apples to Apples & Balderdash are fun, as are Domino games. 
Peggity (a 50s varient of 'Go') I adore, & as a teen was a 'Peggity Shark.' My dyslexia makes Scrabble unbearable, so I don't usually participate in that. The Transformation 'Game' is a delight, but my friends usually say it's too 'serious, . . 

So I'll be bringing collage supplies as my 'back up plan' - one of my favorite New Year's Eve activities is doing a treasure map or vision board! I have made these occasionally - the first was at New Years with friends ~ 12 years ago. One couple thought they wanted to adopt a child, but hadn't begun the process. They EACH put a photo of an oriental child on their boards, & within the next two years, adopted their son, then a few years later their daughter!
Another friend wanted to take her husband to the red rocks in Arizona, & that was the 'one thing' on her delightful board that hadn't manifested yet. (within a year, they went!)

Earlier in the month I made a 'dream board' on the New Moon. I'll be intrigued to see what images come at this hinge between the years, what images I'll choose for seeding the future. The word that came for 2009 is PRESENCE, so whatever I'm drawn to will support that intention.
For tomorrow, Tori mentioned a blessing jar suggested over on Robyn's Blog - & I had to check it out! Sweet ritual: "Sweep, Smudge & Blessing Jar" Lots of choices for the contents of the jar! & one of my galfriends gave me a sweet little ceramic jar for blessing words - think I'll use that!

Blessings upon the New Year!Link

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Two cards on the New Moon

 My grand daughters spent the afternoon & stayed overnight Sat. After a day full of sorting & clearing, we did some collage.
I made my cards for New Moon in Capricorn.
They LOVE cutting & pasting with Grammie - it was a nice way to end the day. We used a calendar I brought back from Hawaii a few years ago as the 'base' photos - Alyssa chose an orchid, Kakay some Red hot pokers.

The first is Soul Dance. The essence definition for Plumaria is "Brings awareness of family roots. Restores spiritual integrity for native peoples."
When I visited the Big Island of Hawaii, Plumaria was an essence I was drawn to make, & did so early the last morning. I felt blessed that a native man (one of the grounds workers) helped pick a sprig of flowers, & brought me another - Pikake - which he was very excited to show me! 
I looked up the definition on the hotel computer before going outside, & felt that 'spiritual integrity' was 'tapped' with his assistance.
The little girl REALLY reminds us of my Kakay 'rocking out!' . . . there's a sense of fairies, & the dignity of the woman on the left.
"I'm the one who is excited to BE HERE, who hears the music of the spheres & dances my own dance! 
I am the one who sees the essence behind the symbols, the turn of the seasons. 
I am the one who transcends the wheel of life, & finds the beauty wherever I AM!

The second card, Petroglyph, draws on images from Peru , with a shaman in the center, & a blue butterfly on the Right. 
"I am the one who has been present from the dawn of time. 
I am the one who provides light to draw on the stones of your soul! 
I am the one who shares the secrets, & tells the stories. 
I am the one who remembers. Drugma Cho Dron Wong Mo - the dragon depository of the Dharma! 
I bring forth the heart of all that is."

I was given the name Drugma Cho Dron Wong Mo when I studied Buddhist Reiki teachings; the week before, a psychic had tagged me 'Wisdom Keeper!' 
I puzzled over the Tibetan name - then made the connection - 'dharma,' wisdom teachings, 'depository' - something to keep them in - ah ha! 
Dragon Mother, Wisdom keeper!!

Friday, December 26, 2008

Clearing the way

Around this time of year, I often find myself clearing & sprucing up around the house, at times painting, at others, working on clearing & cleansing. The sun in Early Cap. is transiting my 4th house - so a great time for this inspiration of moving energy! I moved

Most of my creativity has been focused on making little blessing stars, for family to hang in their cars, a Victorian Cone (shown above, & inspired by Caroline's post), & other holiday goodies. Now I'm more seriously addressing mountains of paper & other stuff - went through the clothes that had mounded on top of my dryer (in one of those sweet off kitchen alcove closets) & put a bunch into a 'pass on' bag; finally moved the big coffee table into another room for crafting. Etc.

Look for more creative activity SOON - & stop by Vestella's Vale for other updates - including the inspiration of the search for a new broom!

Oh, & Molly over at Herspeak has a wee give away! Check out Monday's post - there's still time!Link

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Give Aways - just in time for Christmas!

Melissa is having a great give away for her 4th anniversary (or Blogoversary) .... darling valentine 'fixings' & Ophelia (who hosted a 'fab' paper trade - my FIRST! is having one on hers as well :) So head on over & leave some comments!

As one of the others said, four years ago I hadn't even heard of blogs - tho I was busy creating my own websites! I love the opportunity for interaction with blogs - occasionally get an e-mail from someone who encounters my site, inc random orders of flower essences!

Burr - cold here! Hope it eases up a bit tomorrow so I can get over to Oregon Mutual & do some harping!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Word of the Year - PRESENCE

Today Michele posted a blurb on KaleidoSoul about her new SoulCollage card for her 'word of the year,' which was done in response to a suggestion from Christine Kane in her 'resolution revolution' a different way to post intentions for the coming year - "Several years ago, my friend Kathy and I decided that, instead of making resolutions, we would pick a word that would guide us throughout the year. It would be our touchstone. It would remind us of living our lives at the BE level." (as opposed to 'do' - if I 'do' this, I'll 'have' something else, & then I'll 'be' happy! So let's just start with 'be!')

This time of the Gemini Full Moon is a great time to focus on a word! (The full moon is always in sign opposite the current Sun Sign - in this case, Sagittarius) Michele writes: "Gemini rules our thinking and speaking, how we communicate to others. Words that harm or heal. Words you speak to yourself. The inner critic. Gemini and Sag work together...Sagittarius asks you to take a risk and expand into new territory. Which leads to my "Word of the Year".
"At the time of the Full Moon [December 12, 2008 at 11:37 AM est] Mercury and Pluto in Capricorn are together- think of a meet-up at Starbucks in the sky, both sitting at a table having Lattes. Mercury deals with the way you think, your issues with siblings and day-to-day communication. Pluto the cosmic garbage cleaner shines a light into the dark places you so want to hide from.
"This Full moon packs a wallop of energy as there is a Grand Square in the sky in the mutable signs of Gemini [Moon], Virgo [Saturn], Sagittarius [Sun/Mars] and Pisces [Uranus]. The opposition of Saturn to Uranus...forms a Grand Cross to the Sun and Moon, which will add to the power of the Full Moon. The Grand Cross is a spectacularly stressful planetary dynamic in which conflict between the planets builds up into a crisis which forces a release and ultimately, a transformative change." {Reprinted from The New Moon Journal, an online e-zine featuring astrological coaching tips, tricks and techniques for using the sky energies for personal empowerment written by Michele Bailey-Lessirard. Subscribe }

-- Now Saturn is presently 'sitting' on my natal Saturn - in the 2nd Saturn return during this life journey. The first happens in the late twenties, & is a time of setting priorities, getting things 'in order' (getting married, buying a house, having kids are common 1st Saturn Return tasks) . . . 2nd Saturn return is honing of priorities - what to keep, what to discard.

As I thought about a word for the year, my recent work with SoulCoaching & the spiritual book group came together, & the word "PRESENCE" slipped into my mind. Later, as I readied my massage haven for the first appointment of the day, I pulled an Angel card (from the Transformation game set) & . . . PRESENCE! OK, OK!! 
It's one of the cards added on the 25th anniversary of the creation of the original Angel Card deck, & shows an angel in a shower of light. 
Naturally, when I went to look for it in my 'home' deck, it was close to the top. Naturally.

Presence - I AM the one who shines forth my crystalline being! I am the one who is present & willing to step up & be counted! I am the one who shines brilliantly, to show the way for myself & for others! I AM the Presence of the Divine! When I am present, I am able to fully experience & enjoy life!

The card was created in conjunction with a 'full moon dream board' as per Suzie - again, with the focus on Moon in Gemini. It didn't turn out very 'yule-ish,' nature speaks through: mountains, ocean, desert!! There's a mother & child, & a woman washing (printed on a washboard, square to L of tree) 'we was mostly 'bout survival'
Other words: 'Wrapped in Pride '(from an article about lovely African handwoven cloth - prints of which border the board), 'Treasure,' 'Success for the Soul,' 'Energy & Tranquility.'
I wish us all of these this season. &There's a cocoon, for wrapping up & dreaming - emerging new & whole! & a fountain & a wee nest, . . .

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Wize Elders - grandparents

This card honors my parents - my mother was 'fuzzy' her last several years - loved this muted photo of the woman on the ladder; she was a birder & wonderful cook 'cookie moon' in upper rt & bird) & has her initial - L(ois) on that heart!

My dad was a fly fisherman, & worked at the Post Office - always brought home 'pretty stamps!'

Wize Elders: We are the ones with Buddha Nature, we nurture the children & grandchildren with the 'extras,' our love flows strong & sweet. We pass on skills, baking, fishing, birding, crafts, knowledge & curiosity. Shining our lights for the ones who follow.
We sing dreams to life, & light the way home!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

2nd Card - Rainmaker

Here's the card that was 'hiding' (in the basket of magazines for gleaning images) for awhile - the second card I made. Now the 'good guys' card has gone missing!! Guess I need to get serious about a 'home' for the cards. I have so few I enjoy proping them up around the house - but where, . . . .

Rainmaker - I am the one with an umbrella on a dry day!
I am the one who does the rain dance, the Ghost Dance, the dance for deer & buffalo. I am the one who goes before.
What do you have to tell me? To keep hoping, to wish for what you desire, to be prepared for the rain to fall, the sun to shine, the day to dawn full of hope & promise! To carry on, without doubt, to perceive your success.

These are the papers I made for the altered paper exchange (my first!) I'm excited to see what the others have done. I played with dilute acrylics, metallic powders, & Celtic rubber stamps. I got the metallics a few weeks ago, to use on some of my SoulCollageLink cards - they have been fun to use - copper & silver.
Last year I got my dau-in law Angie a small kit of these for her fimo pieces - they are so rich, & change the look of the medium entirely!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Two New Cards!

Last night I created two new cards. There's one I made 'between' these & the last - but it's hiding somewhere :) There are so few that I tend to prop them in different places.

"The Good Guys" - We are the ones who see the sparkle in your eyes & joy in your heart!
- I am the one who makes healthy choices for body, mind, spirit & emotions
- We are the ones who encourage you to dance, to free your spirit to soar. We are the ones who see your wings, as you see our halos! . . .

"Make a Wish" We believe in magic! We wished for you, & you appeared!
We are the young in spirit, the old in soul. We believe in fairies & angels, in magic lamps & wishing pools.

Make a wish! We bring your heart's desire!

For the first card, I chose images of men looking straight at you, with smiles & a sparkle; & the 2 images with women - looking at the first woman, & swimming with the second. I have taken a workshop with one of the men - Jon Schreiber (center, with his hand under his chin) . . . lets just say, I've been attracted to enough 'bad boys' for this lifetime!

The little girls are blowing bubbles, with the help of their dad, while the little boys scan the water, & the genie is just emerging from the lamp! The girls have mulberry paper wings, as does the gal in 'Hope of the Future.'

These cards make me smile when I see them!

Thursday, December 4, 2008


Today's my son's 35th Birthday!! (gasp - how on earth did that happen?)

I took the day off 'in case' he came to town or we went somewhere to celebrate - he still works on his BD (aren't Birthdays National Holidays? I loved having my Birthday as a PAID holiday at Breitenbush!)
Anyway - it's sunny, I'm in shorts (inside, lol) & I have a whole day ahead of me to do some serious shaking & moving! & maybe make a card in honor of my Number One (& only) Son!

Cheers :)

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

December Days

Sunny out, & delightfully temperate weather! I did some much needed yard yoga this weekend, & dedicate this as a 'sparkle week.' inspired by Erraid, a branch of Findhorn!! I've added a couple of blog rolls - one of folks engaged in SoulCollage (see not that these cards are not to be sold, traded, or bartered and are to be reproduced only for the personal use of the maker of the card.) & one of other Artists whose blogs I've stumbled across! If you know (or have) a SoulCollage blog - let me know!

I hope to post new cards soon! But for now - off to FlyLady for a few suggestions on the Sparkling! Have a lovely day :)