I just finished my month long journey with Soul Coaching - what a delightful 'Merry Band' I met along the way!
My intentions on Creativity took a backseat to this exploration of soul, now I'm ready to begin again :) I've made some progress with space clearing, filing papers, sorting clothes, sorting books, re thinking my living space.
My daughter (who lives next door) is getting married at the end of Jan, & found a house across town they've made an offer on! So rethinking my yard as well. We had cut a gateway in the chain link fence, & they cut the large shrubs on their side, so I'm looking at options for my side. & with my 'grandparent duties' shifting, more time for gardening - or whatever!
The corner in the photo has the matt board for SoulCollage cards on a lower shelf, the collage print on the wall is from a nun who uses torn tissue paper to create images; the crocheted curtain to the Rt hides my electrical box :)
So, here's to more creativity in